Saturday, October 27, 2012

How to create a shortcut for Shutdown and Restart

Have you ever thought of creating a shortcut for shutdown ?
yes,we can create a shortcut for shutdown and restart.

To make a new shortcut, right-click on an empty part of the desktop (or inside a folder). Select New, then Shortcut. A “wizard” will pop up to guide you through the rest of the process. You will have to provide a command line, and then a name. The name can be anything you want.

In the 'Type the location of the item' please type the following:

Shutdown -s -t 00   for shutdown and shutdown -r -t 00 for restart .The time can be any value preferably up to 30.You can also assign an icon to this shortcut.This shortcut can be pinned to your taskbar.


That's all for today folks.If you find the post interesting feel free to share it........

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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Want to contribute ?

Guest bloggers: want to contribute a guest blog post to Final combat? Just email your article to if it meets the below criteria :
Guest blog article requirements:
  • Must be 500+ words
  • Must be unique content
  • Must be on a topic related to one of the categories listed on this site
  • Must use perfect English grammar and spelling
  • Must include at least 1 image
  • Must note the rights associated with the image
  • Author is allowed 1 relevant link in the author bio

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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

How to disable all notification balloons in Windows

It is too annoying sometimes to see the pop-up notification balloons in the system tray.Have you ever thought of disabling them.This might be an extreme step.You may turn off this notifications in each specific offending application.If you want to disable them then go on....

1.Click on windows start and type "run" and press enter.

2.Type "regedit" and click ok.

3.A dialogue box appears asking "Do you want to allow the following program to make any changes to this computer?" .press "yes".

4.It will open Registry Editor.

5.Go to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced"

6.Create a new 32-bit DWORD and name it as "EnableBalloonTips" and give it value 0.Now logoff and you will see the changes that are made(No more notification Balloons).

That's all for today folks.If you like the post please feel free to comment and share it...........;-)

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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

How to skip the annoying "use the web service to find the correct program" dialog in windows 7

If we use windows many of us generally find this annoying dialog box.In this tutorial i will tell you how to temporarily disable this dialog box.Follow these simple steps to do so:

1.Click on windows start and type "run" and press enter.

2.Type "regedit" and click ok.

3.A dialogue box appears asking "Do you want to allow the following program to make any changes to this computer?" .press "yes".

4.It will open Registry Editor.

5.Go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer"

6.Create a DWORD named NoInternetOpenWith and give it a value 1.You are done with it.

7.If you want to reset back to default simply change the value to 0 or delete the DWORD.

That's it for today folks.If you find the post interesting please share it.Please feel free to comment.

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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

How to increase the speed of Aero Taskbar Thumbnails in windows 7

When we hover the mouse over a taskbar thumbnail it willshow the specific window.By default there is a specific delay in this process.In this tutorial i will tell you how to increase or decrease the speed of the Aero Taskbar Thumbnails.

1.Click on windows start and type "run" and press enter.
2.Type "regedit" and click ok.

3.A dialogue box appears asking "Do you want to allow the following program to make any changes to this computer?" .press "yes".

4.It will open Registry Editor.

5.Go to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced"

6.Create a new DWORD by right clicking and name it as "ExtendedUIHoverTime".

7.Give it a decimal value of 0 or 1 which is in milliseconds.To slow it down you can give any value from 400 to 1000 or any.generally nobody wants to slowdown it.
Now logoff and logon and see the change.
So that's all for today folks.If you find the post interesting please spare a minute to share it as "sharing is caring".Please feel free to comment.

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Monday, October 8, 2012

How to prevent windows update from forcibly rebooting your pc

Most of us face this problem and it is really annoying to see the Windows update restart dialogue box sometimes.In this tutorial i will tell you how to temporarily disable this.Follow these steps:

1.Click on windows start and type "run" and press enter.

2.Type "regedit" and click ok.

3.A dialogue box appears asking "Do you want to allow the following program to make any changes to this computer?" .press "yes".

4.It will open Registry Editor.


6.Create anew 32-bit DWORD value named "NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers" and give it a value 1.

Now you are done if you want to put things back to the way they were simply delete the 32-bit DWORD.

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Sunday, October 7, 2012

How to cleanup your messy context menu

The most irritating part in windows is the unused set of applications in the context menu.Many don't even use half of them.So,today in this tutorial you will learn how to clean up your messy context menu.If you want to add any application to context menu please read  How to add any application to context menu

1.Click on windows start and type "run" and press enter.

        2.Type "regedit" and click ok.

         3.A dialogue box appears asking "Do you want to allow the following program to make any changes to this computer?" .press "yes".

4.It will open Registry Editor.The context menu items are found at two different locations and are to be handled differently.It is explained further in the post.5.Go to "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell"
6.create a new stringvalue and name it as "Extended" and you are done removing it
 7.Go to "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers". 8.Click on anything you want to remove click on (Default) and replace its value data with "--" in the front and you are done.
That's all for this post folks.If you like the post feel free to spread this post by sharing it and feel free to comment.If you have any genuine doubts you  can approach me.........

Saturday, October 6, 2012

How to create a shortcut for 'Safely Remove Hardware" dialog

We often find it annoying to find the safely remove hardware icon in the system tray.Can't we create a shortcut to do this?yes,of course we can do it.want to create one then go on.....
1. Create a shortcut key by clicking anywhere on the desktop and create a new shortcut.
2. In the Type the location of the item field please paste the following and click on next
    "RunDll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll" 

3. Now name it with any name you like and click Finish.
   4. If you want to assign a shortcut key to it right click on shortcut and click on properties. 
  5. Now in the Shortcut key field type the shortcut key you want to assign Example: CTRL+F12 and click on ok and you are done.

As long as the shortcut is on your desktop you shouldn’t have to restart anything for the hotkey to work. You can also move the shortcut to another folder, for instance your quick launch bar.
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Monday, October 1, 2012

How to access God mode in Windows 7

God mode basically is a windows 7 trick that will help the user to access to all of the operating system's control in one folder.The trick is also said to work in Windows Vista, although some are warning that although it works fine in 32-bit versions of Vista, it can cause 64-bit versions of that operating system to crash.

Create a new folder with the name given below 


After creating the folder the icon automatically changes to the control panel .

Although its name suggests perhaps even grander capabilities, Windows enthusiasts are excited over the discovery of a hidden "GodMode" feature that lets users access all of the operating system's control panels from within a single folder.

So that's all for today folks.Meet you later in another post.If you like the post feel free to share the link

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How to add any application to the context menu

So many people want to launch a frequently used application  in the right click menu.In this post i will explain how to add a specific application to the context menu.Follow these simple steps to add a specific spplication to the context menu:

1.Click on windows start and type "run" and press enter.

2.Type "regedit" and click ok.

3.A dialogue box appears asking "Do you want to allow the following program to make any changes to this computer?" .press "yes".

4.It will open Registry Editor.

5.Go to "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell"
6.Right click on shell and create key called "Notepad".
7.Right click on notepad and create a new key names command.
8.Right click on (Default) and click on modify and change the value data to "C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe".(i.e giving the directory of notepad application).

9.You can now see Notepad in the right click of the desktop context menu.

So, that's it folks if you have any queries about this pls feel free to comment below.Thank you for your visit and patience.

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